Gede I. Agus Ardiyasa , page 76 – 88
This research aims to investigate the Influence Of Servant Leadership Style On Motivation Of Badung Resort Police Personnel And The Motivation‟s Impact On Security Conditions During The Campaign And Polling In 2018 Bali Governor Election. The reserach conducted at Badung Resort using survey for personel. The analasys using multipple regresion linear SPSS 19 with results; 1). Servant leadership style has a positive and significant influence on the motivation of the police personnel in securing the campaigns and polling stations of 2018 Bali governor election at 58.5%. This means that the motivation of the police personnel in securing the campaigns and polling stations is influenced by servant leadership style as 58.5% and the rest is influenced by other variables. If the leader applies the right leadership style, it will increase the motivation of his or her members. 2). Servant leadership style and motivation have a positive and significant influence on security conduciveness in securing the campaign activities and polling stations in 2018 Bali governor election in the jurisdiction of Badung Resort Police at 68.4%. This means security conduciveness is influenced simultaneously by serving leadership style and motivation at 68, 4% and the rest is influenced by other variables. 3). Servant leadership style has a positive and significant influence on security conduciveness through motivation in securing campaign activities and polling stations in the 2018 Bali governor election in Badung Resort Police jurisdiction at 30.9%. This means security conduciveness is indirectly influenced through motivation by servant leadership style at 30 , 9% and the rest is influenced by other factors. Based on these results, the motivational variable can be a positive link between servant leadership style and security conduciveness. From the conclusions above, it can be seen that the security conduciveness can increase even greater if servant leadership style and motivation are jointly applied in carrying out the security duties.
Keywords : Servant Leadership, Motivation, Security Conditions, Campaign, Governor Election