Manurung Jimmy, page 11-29
The aims of this study is to investigate the factors that affect performance, and specifically to analyze the influence of the organizational climate on performance and the influence of motivation on member performance and the influence of organizational climate and work motivation simultaneously on performance. The study was conducted on 57 members of Samsat Madiun district, data collection was done through surveys and quantitative analysis techniques that were explained through hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 19. The results of the study proved that all research instruments and data met the principles of validity, reliability and normality so that hypothesis testing can be done to predict the relationship of independent variables with the dependent partially or simultaneously, with the following results; 1). Organizational climate has a partial effect on the performance of members with the most dominant indicator at work is the indicator of responsibility, 2). Work motivation has a partial effect on the performance of members with a dominant influence derived from indicators of the need for self-actualization. 3). Organizational climate and work motivation simultaneously influence on member performance, with the dominant influence coming from indicators of self-actualization needs. The results of this study make a practical contribution in improving the performance of members by continuing to motivate and maintain a conducive working climate by paying attention to the responsiveness of each member and always providing support to members to always work as well as possible.
Keyword: Organizational climate, work motivation, member performance, Samsat