Eny Sukeksi
Postgraduate Program, Police Studies, Police Science College, Jakarta
E-mail: enysukeksi84@gmail.com
Citation: Eny Sukeksi, Law Enforcement on Traffic Violations Using E-tickets at Kapuas Police Resort, Management Technology and Security International Journal, pages 488- 501, http://doi.org/10.47490/mtsij.v3.i1.488501
Received on 1 June 2021, Accepted on 6 December 2021, Published on 21 February 2022
Electronic ticketing (e-ticket) is an android-based Indonesian National Police (Polri) innovation program held by Polri Traffic Corps. In fact, Kapuas Police Resort Traffic Unit still cannot implement it optimally because there is no table stating the minimum ticketf ines. The research employs the qualitative approach. The main problems are describing law enforcement using e-tickets, steps for taking action against traffic violations using etickets and analysing the factors influencing the implementation of action against traffic violations using e-tickets. The research employs management theory, law enforcement theory, the concept of enforcing traffic violations/ticketing and the concept of egovernment. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of law enforcement
on traffic violations using e-tickets at Kapuas Police Traffic Unit is the implementation of e-government which has indicators of support capacity and value. There are still shortcomings in terms of benefits in applying e-tickets, namely the community has not used the e-ticket applications properly. This is influenced by the traffic unit management at the organizing stage which is constrained by the lack of a table of minimum fines. Besides, it can be analysed that there is no legal substance regulating factors that affect the implementation of the e-ticket program so that the e-ticket program is not implemented in accordance with the desired objectives.
Keywords: #e-ticket, #lawenforcement, #traffic #violation